We are an established online news media, focus on Internet technology, multimedia and e-commerce, currently seeking for a professional to fill the following positions:
Web Designer (Code: WDG)
- Minimum Bachelor Degree
- Minimum of 2 years experience as a Web Designer
- Background in Visual Communication Design is preferred
- Excellent in drawing and illustration skills
- Excellent in Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver, and HTML
- Demonstrates proficiency in creating new ideas/concept
- Good personality, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in a team environment
Programmer (Code: PROGM)
- Minimum Bachelor Degree
- Minimum of 2 years experience as a Programmer (handling web project)
- Excellent in: Windows and Linux OS, database (MySQL, SQL), PHP programming
- Excellent in ASP.net and cfm is an advantage
- Willing to work on weekends, public holidays and on shift
- Demonstrates proficiency in creating new ideas/concept
- Good personality, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in team environment
HR Generalist (Code: HR Generalist)
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam bidang organization Development (antara lain : Analisa Jabatan, Evaluasi Jabatan, Performance Management & Balanced Scorecard)
- Pendidikan minimal S-1 Psikologi
- Memiliki kepribadian baik, integritas tinggi dan dapat bekerja dalam tim
- Bersedia bekerja dengan status kontrak 6 bulan
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